Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Eric Chong : 15 Aug 2001

Before we knew each other,
Eric gave me an impression of unfriendliness. Perhaps its' because at times when we walk passed, we only exchange stares.

After we knew, e impression he left changed. No doubt he was a guy of few words, he is humurous and playful at times. I guess what attracts him to me was his charming boylish look. We often meet up and walked to school together, perhaps that's when feeling are growing freely.

Unknowingly we were together on 15/08/2001.
Being together, Eric lovingly reminded that we should never ever quarrel. I agreed.
Time together was more than sweet.
We were like two little kid who loves tickling each other.. Guess what? He was more afraid than i am!!
I was happy with him.
Holding onto him, i often hope that time would pardon us and stop for us. School days memories was definitely sweet with him around. I guess i could never forget the joyous times we spend at our school hut..

I hate this feeling. Its more than words like confused or lost. He just went MIA suddenly. By this time, i knew i really like him. I couldnt say anything. But loss for words.

By the time he's back, things arent the same anymore.

Perhaps what he wants wasnt what i am able to give. Days were terrible without him. Eventually,
I moved on.
**Treasure whatever God has given You, He might not give you a second chances for the same good thing.**
I Tried.

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